Guidance and Support
Choosing Choate means never having to walk your path alone. It means becoming part of a community that’s here to support your emotional, social, and physical wellbeing. You’re here to discover who you are – we’re here to make sure you have the network of support you need to fully experience the journey. From teachers to dorm advisers, coaches to the staff who guide you across campus and through your high school career, every adult at Choate is here to support your student experience. These are just a few of the roles you’ll encounter along your path.
At Choate, faculty advisers play a crucial role in your academic and social development. Through structured meetings and less formal campus interactions, students and advisers develop a close working relationship, helping to guide you through course decisions, navigate priorities, balance your social life and find your best fit on campus across classes, clubs, and more.
As responsible student leaders, prefects act as empathetic counselors and mentors, serving as guides in the dorms and around campus. They offer peer-to-peer support for all students, helping to get new students acclimated to the School and helping existing students maintain their momentum.
Spiritual Life
Our non-denominational campus welcomes students of all faiths. We seek to support students currently practicing their faith, as well as those curious to learn about new religious practices. The Spiritual Life team seeks to support and guide students in their search for meaning and to provide opportunities for moral development, spiritual exploration and education, and religious growth and observance.
Health & Safety
The safety and care of the campus community is our top priority. The Health Center is a well-resourced and professionally staffed care facility poised to care for students' daily bumps and bruises as well as anything more serious should that need arise. As a residential community, our doctor, nurses, and counselors are on call 24/7 and are always available to assist.
Monitoring the campus 24 hours a day on foot, by car, and by bike, our safety officers oversee the daily safe operations of the campus as well as preparing our community in the event of an emergency.